-: Th :-

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thousand-rule, Bowers*
Jonathan Bowers extended the thousands-rule, in the process, inventing a new series of numbers. Such numbers preserve the assorted Indoeuropean irregularities. The names here refer to the N-d tiling, or the N+1 polytope.
         0        10          20       30           decades     centuries
   0             dakon       icon     tracon
   1    gon      hendakon    ikenon   trakenon                 100 hoton
   2    hedron   dokon       icodon   tracodon                 200 doton
   3    choron   tradakon    ictron   tracotron   30  tracon   300 troton
   4    teron    teradakon   icteron  tracoteron  40  teracon  400 teroton
   5    peton    petadakon   icpeton              50  petacon  500 petaton
   6    exon     exdakon     icexon               60  exacon   600 exoton
   7    zettin   zettadakon                       70  zettacon 700 zettaton
   8    yotton   yottadakon                       80  yottacon 800 yottaton
   9    xennon   xendakon                         90  xencon   900 xennoton

   Examples:   123   hotictron    999   xennotaxennocoxennon
The series extends into the thousands as well.
thousand-rule, Metric*
The use of metric prefixes to represent polytopes. In this series, the edge is rated as 1000, and the surtope-name gets its name from the metric prefix for 1000^n
     tera-  = 1e12    -teron  = 4d tiling or 5d polytope
     peta-  = 1e15    -peton  = 5d tiling or 6d polytope
     exo-   = 1e18    -exon   = 6d tiling or 7d polytope
     zetto- = 1e21    -zetton = 7d tiling or 8d polytope
     yotto- = 1e24    -yotton = 8d tiling or 9d polytope
The series continues downwards, to name the assorted margins, based on the submultiple prefixes, as if the base form is "face", with milliface being margin. No name exists as yet for the second-margin.
     N-2       N-3     N-4      N-5     N-6     N-7     N-8    N-9
    milli-    micro-   nano-   pico-   femto-   atto-  zepto-  yocto-
    margin             nanol   picol   femtol   attol  zeptol  yoctol
This series of names are meant to stand in apposition to numbers in most languages, without confusion. In accordance with -hedron and -choron, they take the same plural: that is -on becomes -a.

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