-: Tables :-

Glossary: Home Tables A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T Th U V W X Y Z

Tables: Home - m2in - kg2oz - gm2gr - Water - Gallon - Gal2in - Inches - Technic - Pi

Conventions used in this table. The units are rated according to a duodecimal system, even if this is not the local custom.

Some countries use the decimal division of the foot. This table assumes the duodecimal divisions only. Where the decimal divisions are required, calculate the duodecimal unit, and divide it decimally. Thus, the Chinese foot is listed as a decimal foot under 36 inches to the metre. The foot is 12/36 metres, but is divided into 10 decifeet and 100 centifeet. If a system is described as decimal inches, the units are the deka-inch, inch, deci-inch etc. Other measures, like aune, ell, fathom and toise are listed in terms of a proportional inch. For example, the entry 1 ell (24 in), as 0.62 metres, means that the quoted figure is the number of inches in the metre, if 24 make the ell of 0.62 metres.

The measures of Paris and London are metrologically important. There are a number of conversion factors for each of these, some used to define supplemental units.

Principal Inch units
The Metre
in inches
36.941 333 333 3  PR   This is the legal ratio of the metre: 1 metre = 443.296 lines Paris measure
36.953 333 333 3PA This is the astronomically determined metre of 443.44 lines Paris measure.
39.370 000 000 0US This rates 1 metre as 39.37 metres. Legal definition in the US 1866 and 1959
39.370 078 740 2UI This rates the inch as 0.254 inches. The current international definition
39.370 113 184 7UB Benoit found 1 yard to be 0.914 399 2 m
39.370 147 198 7UK In 1922, Seers, Jolly and Johnson found the yard to be 0.914 398 41 metres.
39.370 232 589 4UL That the light second = 299 792 458 metres, = 983 574 900 feet, UL measure.
39.370 431 960 0UC In 1866, Clarke found the metre to be 1.093 623 11 yards. UK factor 1878
39.370 790 000 0UV In 1816, Kater found this ratio. The V stands for Victoria. Legal in 1864.

This is a list of the principle units discussed.

Austrian Foot
37.96 The foot of Austria-Hungry.
English Foot
39.35 to 39.43 The historical spread of English feet.
French Measure
36.94 The Royal foot of Paris, widely used by scientists in pre-metric times.
Geographic Foot
38.80 to 38.93. The earth's circumference is taken as 21600 miles of 6000 feet of 12 inches.
      The geographic metre is 38.88 geographic inches.
Megalithic Yard
36.18 The unit Professor Thom calls a megalithic Yard appears here as if it were a pace of 30 inches, under 36.18 inches. An alternate explination is that it is a yard, giving 43.42 inches, in the range of Spanish feet.
Metric Measures
The metre is constructed as 443.296 Paris lines, and pre-metric measures are converted against 443.296 Paris lines.
Rhenish Foot
38.23 The foot of Prussia and much of northern Europe. This may be the same as the Scots foot.
Roman Foot
40.5 The foot of the Roman Empire.

The Metre in Inches

Tables: Home - m2in - kg2oz - gm2gr - Water - Gallon - Gal2in - Inches - Technic - Pi
Metres to Inch
The Metre
in inches
35.736 833 954 7   Zupko has an older foot of 13.2 BI inches.
35.790 980 672 9 The metre in terms of 1.1 UI inch units. There is evidence that the modern perch was divided into 15 feet, where now it yields 16.5 smaller feet.
36.000 000 000 0 The foot of the usuel system, rated 1 toise = 6 feet = 72 in = 2 metres. This system was legal in France from 1812 to 1840.
  This is the Chinese foot, decimally divided.
36.185 734 136 2 The Megalithic yard, (30 inches), as 2.72 UI feet. The unit more closely resembles a pace of 40 digits, or 30 inches, which is how it is presented here.
36.188 178 528 4 The Megalithic Yard (30 in) is rated as 0.829 metres. The described multiples and divisions are: in Thom, and in North, rod (75), yard (30), inch (0.75); in North also: HMY = 0.3 yd; in Michell, yard (30) and mile of 5280 yards or 158400 inches.
36.203 135 794 9 Proposed US foot, that the seconds pendulum at 45N is 36 inches foot quoted at 331.463 m/m
36.940 315 737 1 In 1897, Benoit found the toise of Perou (72 in) to be 1.949 090 metres
36.941 034 228 5 toise = 2.13151116, m = 1.09361426 yd (Chanouft)
39.941 195 158 5 In Canada and elsewhere, the Paris foot defined as 12.789 UI inches
36.941 328 000 0 The metre in Paris inches, where 1 metre = 0.513 074 toise.
36.941 331 624 2 The value of the Paris foot in [MS] is 0.324 839 4 metres
36.941 333 333 3 PR This is the legal ratio of the metre: 1 metre = 443.296 lines Paris measure. This is the final value.
36.943 940 723 3 Newton rated Paris's gravity (9.80665 m/s/s) as 30 ft 2 in 3 5/9 ln
36.953 333 333 3 PA This is the astronomically determined metre, used until the final survey was completed. It is 443.44 lines of the Paris foot.
37.947 331 922 0 One square metre is 10 square feet. foot eg decimally divided.
37.961 613 216 7 The theoretical Pous metrious (16/15 Roman pes), at 316.1088 mms.
37.962 393 339 6 The Austrian foot in [MS]
37.962 393 820 0 An alternate value from [MS] for the Austrian foot. It is probably derived from the equality 1 Austrian foot = 0.345 697 8 BI yards.
37.964 985 653 0 The Austrian foot, rated at 316.08072 mm.
37.964 987 054 4 This is the proportional foot, that 1 Austrian mile = 24,000 ft = 7 858.937 0 m.
37.964 756 223 5 An austrian klafter = 2.07403483 yd, metre = 1.09361426 yd
37.964 995 262 0 The Legal conversion: 1 klafter = 1.896 483 84 metres
37.965 072 133 7 The value for the Austrian foot in [H-B] and [DC] is 0.316 08 m.
38.112 370 513 3 The Cape foot is rated as 1.033 BI foot. This factor is converted using UI.
38.112 712 449 2 A Geodesic Cape foot, this is 1.033 BI feet, by the UC scale.
38.233 972 796 5 The Rhenish foot in [ICT] is 0.313 857 m
38.234 390 399 0 The longer of the two Rhennish feet in [MS] is 0.313 853 572 m
38.234 397 708 4 The shorter of the two Rhennish feet in [MS] is 0.313 853 512 m. This is to ten places of decimal, 139.13 lines of a Paris foot rated at 0.324 839 4 m
38.234 399 170 3 This implies a Rhenish foot of 0.313 853 5 m, which is consistent with rounding the lesser value of the Rhenish foot.
38.234 399 482 5 This is the Rhennish foot, defined as 139.13 lines, where the metre is 443.296 of the same line.
38.234 825 553 6 A Rhenish foot of 31.385 cm [DC] Other values in [DC] imply 31.385 4
38.306 022 558 0 37/36 UI feet - A Scots measure, prehaps the same as the hansiatic foot
38.555 720 451 6 The base-36 sws inch. day = 6^8 blinks, g= c/354 day = 1 in/b/b
38.606 955 462 7 an inch as a light femtoday. = 10 / 0.864 / 0.299792458
38.807 220 274 0 The telegraphic foot, Equator: radius = 6378137 m, circumf = 1555200000 in
38.835 699 514 8 The geographic mile, as 6082.56 UI feet.
38.850 695 700 7 The geographic foot, 6000 to the US Nautical mile, of 6080.2 US feet.
38.850 709 673 0 The geographic foot, 6000 to 1853.248m [US nautical mile]
38.852 051 388 4 The geographic foot, 6000 to the UK Nautical mile, of 6080.0 UI feet.
38.852 302 075 7 The geographic foot, 6000 to the UK Nautical mile, of 6080 UK feet.
38.857 142 857 1 The geographic foot, against the ILF scale (12.6/40.8 metres).
38.872 357 694 5 The geographic foot, a mean quadrant being 10001.966 kms. WGS84.
38.876 889 848 8 The geographic foot, 6000 to the International nautical mile of 1852 m.
38.880 000 000 0 The Earth's circle = 21600 miles > 6000 feet, = 40000 km > 1000 m
38.937 771 249 6 The polar geographic foot: diam = polar axis.
39.303 837 332 0 A Beyreute Lachter (80 in) as 2.035 424 666 metres
39.328 258 778 5 The exact Polar Inch. Earth's polar radius = 6 356 752.3141 m = 250 000 000 in.
39.331 458 541 5 The polar inch, as used by Smyth, here 1.001 UV inches.
39.355 486 408 0 According to Mounier, the Paris foot is 1.065 351 English feet [Gwilt, p 1199]. This is 443.296 Paris lines in English inches.
39.342 857 142 8 gravity = 500/51 m/s² = 2700/7 in/s², set equal.
39.357 912 222 3 According to Graham, the Paris foot is 12.785 English inches. [Gwilt, p 1199], this is 443.296 Paris lines in terms of English inches.
39.366 000 000 0 Berriman rated the metre as 54 digits at 0.729 in each.
39.369 400 000 0 Conversion mentioned in 1819 report.
39.369 678 600 0 Bailly's comparison of th metre against the yard at the royal astronomical society
39.370 000 000 0 US. This rates 1 metre as 39.37 inches. Between 1866 and 1959, this was the way the US measures were defined. Since this time, the UI measures are used.
39.370 078 740 2 UI This rates the inch as 0.254 metres. This was legalised as a conversion ratio as early as 1898, but has since become the definition of the English system in all countries - hence the designation Uniform International. It was adopted as follows: Canada 1949, USA 1959, UK 1963, Australia, NZ and SA unknown.
39.370 082 400 0 This is an alternate UI value, chosen for its factors. The value is such that it is a multiple of 11, 17 and 19, these primes occuring in g (32.1651 ft/s/s), the statue mile (1km = 0.621 371 25 mile), and the nautical mile (1 km = 0.539 611 875 nm, 1 m nm = 0.999 361 192 5).
39.370 091 000 0 The average between Kater and Baird, used to define the Linn (dm).
39.370 113 000 0 The figure appear also rounded to six places of decimal inches.
39.370 113 184 7 UB Benoit found 1 yard to be 0.914 399 2 m
39.370 113 360 0 Rating in Chanouft
39.370 147 198 7 UK In 1922, Seers, Jolly and Johnson found the yard to be 0.914 398 41 metres.
39.370 147 200 0 This ratio makes the metre 1.093 615 2 yards. The closeness of these figures makes it difficult to decide the primary value.
37.370 155 000 0 W.A.Rogers, Colby Univ, USA, 1983.03.29
39.370 226 000 0 'According to General Roy, an English fathom : a French toise :: 1000 : 1065.75' as in Gwilt p 1225. The metre, of 443.296 lines is thus found to be 39.370226 English inches.
39.370 232 589 4 UL That the light second = 299 792 458 metres, = 983 574 900 feet, UL measure. This is the foot normally used with the fpsc.
39.370 270 000 0 In 1882, Rogers found the metre to be 39.370 27 inches. This was never given legal force as a conversion ratio.
39.370 431 960 0 UC In 1866, Clarke found the metre to be 1.093 623 11 yards. This was used as a legal conversion factor, probably from 1878.
39.370 432 144 0 The [MS] tables rate 1 in as 25.399 772 mm, which is the UC factor correct to six decimals of millimetres.
39.370 786 516 8 This rates 89 metres as 292 feet, a very good approximation to UV.
39.370 790 000 0 UV In 1816, Kater compared the D'archives metre to the Shanksburh yard, and found them to stand in this ratio. This value was used as a legal conversion ratio when the metric system was legalised for contract in 1864.
39.370 790 400 0 Gwilt uses a metre rated as 3.280 899 2 feet.
39.371 334 240 0 Gwilt refers to a Paris foot of 12.789 36 inches. The metre of 442.396 lines of this foot is 39.371 334 24 inches.
39.375 000 000 0 U7 This is the metre rounded to the nearest sixteenth. This is the ratio implied by equating 5 ft 3 in to 1600 mm.
39.377 790 000 0 The ideal metre, Clarke's "Geodesy" 1880, the metre 39.37042
39.382 000 000 0 Petrie inch: "It must always be remembered that a French metre of perfect legal exactitude will, by expanding from 32° to 62°F., becomes equal to a greater number of inches when the two measures are put together; thus a brass metre is equal to 39.382 inches when compared with British measures at the same temperature, and this is its true commercial equivalent" Encyclopaedia Britannia, 9th edit, 1885.
39.383 503 575 2 Enfield Inch, as 0.99966 UB in, or shorter by 0.34 mill. This unit arose through a calibration issue in some machines supplied to the Lithgow Small Arms Factory.
39.414 988 800 0 11 * 1.2**7. According to John Neal 'All Done with Mirrors', this is the correct length of the metre. This is 5632/5625 of Berriman's metre.
39.429 730 374 8 13.22÷13.2÷0.0254. Zupko reports a foot of 13.22 BI inches, this being a variant of the same foot that 15 makes the BI perch, that is, this is kin to a measure of 13.2 inches. The divisor 0.0254 connects inches to metres at UI rates.
39.491 871 256 5 The Nuremberg foot as 0.303 86 metres [MS]
39.600 000 000 0 The Japanese foot is 10/33 metres. It is decimally divided.
  This value is implied in the following equalities: 1 yd as 1.1 m, 1 ch as 20 m, 1 fur as 200 m, 1 mile as 1600 m, 5 miles as 8 kms, 1 acre as 4000 m². Interestingly, a cube of water, of side 39.6 in, makes a long ton at 62°F (actually 2238.452 lb).
39.996 631 578 9 A foot = 133 french lines, metre = 443.296 lines.
40.000 000 000 0 The foot of 300 mm, the inch of 25 mm. This is very common approximation, either decimally or duodecimally divided. In Hesse-Darmstadt, the inch is decimally multiplied.
40.027 691 423 8 The nines foot, that 1 light second = 1,000,000,000 ft = 299 792 458 metres.
40.225 665 986 2 proposed US foot, that 40 inches make the seconds pendulum at 45N.
40.299 636 636 7 An aune, rated 528 PR lines, in Haiti, Maritius, Seychelles. [given as 1.191 m.]
40.388 877 576 2 The Paris aune (48 in). Here, 400 aune = 475.378 4 m [MS]
40.388 879 468 4 In 1746, the Aune (reputedly 48 in, Roman), rated as 3 ft 7 in 8 ln 10 pt, PR.
40.483 781 185 2 The Oldenburg foot rated as 0.296 415 m [MS].
40.492 387 431 2 The roman foot, as 15/16 austrian feet.
40.500 000 000 0 Berriman rates the Roman foot as 16 digits, and the metre as 54. In terms of a geographicly defined metre, the nautical mile is 6250 Roman feet.
40.504 927 983 5 Greaves measured the Roman foot as 1944 parts, where 2000 make the UV foot.
40.524 824 427 5 The Paris aune (48 in, Roman), as 3 ft 7 in 8 ln, PR measure.
40.556 982 560 5 The Oldenberg foot, rated as 0.295 88 m [MS]
40.556 119 633 4 The Oldenberg foot, rated as 0.295 879 m [MS]
40.598 083 953 3 Pendlebury's Garfoot, as 192*1.2**4 / 9.80665. The foot derives from using an SWS at 6D-6 day. As 3 barleycorns, it is 1D-6 day.
40.788 648 519 1 An SWS inch, that g = 400 in/s/s equal to g 9.80665 m/s/s.
40.800 000 000 0 An SWS inch, that g = 1 in/f/f, and 1 s = 20 f. Here 1/g = 0.102.
40.809 031 960 4 The SWS inch, defined as (light speed ÷ 354 days) × 0.0025 s².
41.115 744 246 4 The Bavarian foot rated as 0.291 859 m [MS]
41.115 721 131 6 The Bavarian foot rated as 129.38 PR lines (1 m = 443.296 PR lines)
41.115 603 371 5 The Bavarian foot, rated as 0.291 86 m [ICT]
41.157 203 368 0 The Munster ell (24 in) = 0.583 13 m
41.187 575 081 5 The Lubeck foot rated as 0.291 35 m.
41.316 623 054 7 The Oldenberg Ell (24 in) as 0.580 88 m, [MS]
41.365 046 535 7 The Schaumburg-Lippe ell (24 in) as 0.580 2 m [MS]
41.472 000 000 0 20 × 1.44²
41.472 265 422 5 The Bremen ell (24 in) as 0.5787 m [MS]
41.522 491 349 5 Pie of 28.9 cm in Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay
41.658 277 152 5 The Bremen ell (24 in) as 0.288 058 m [MS]
41.666 666 666 6 The Polish foot as 0.288 metres. This is also the ratio implied by 1/8 in = 3 mm.
41.724 617 524 3 The Lubeck foot as 0.287 6 m [MS]
41.754 885 339 8 The Koln ell (24 in), 24 ells = 13.794 793 m.
41.874 585 616 1 The Hamburg foot, rated 0.286 57 m
41.885 109 145 6 The Wuttemburg foot (12 in), rated as 0.286 498 m [MS]. It is decimally divided.
41.886 278 753 2 The Wuttemburg foot (12 in), rated 0.286 49 m [H-B]. It is decimally divided.
42.000 000 000 0 This equates the verst with the kilometre and a number of other foot/metre ratios. For example, the wine tun is a cylinder based on this length.
  In Saxony a transitional foot was 2/7 metre.
42.051 776 249 5 The Brunswick ell (24 in) rated as 0.570 725 m [MS].
42.162 959 839 8 The Frankfurt foot, rated as 0.284 61 m. This points to a measure of 10 in 6 ln 6 pt, Paris measure as a possible definition.
42.374 377 626 3 The Leipzig ell (24 in) rated as 0.566 38 m. [MS]
42.380 363 764 8 The Leipzig Baufuss, rated as 0.283 15 m. [MS]
42.382 908 385 8 The Amsterdam foot, rated as 0.283 133 m. [ICT]. This foot appears to have been divided into 11 inches, and 143 lines.
42.452 329 571 6 Cuban foot = 28.267 cm
42.454 582 441 4 The Saxon foot at Dresden, rated as 0.282 655 m [MS]
42.477 876 106 2 The Saxon foot: Leipzig Werkfuss, rated as 0.282 5 m [MS]
42.556 209 660 3 The Weimer foot, rated 0.281 98 m. [MS]
42.656 050 049 8 The ell of Saxa-Gotha is 0.562 64 m [MS]
42.949 090 090 9 A foot of 11 US in, as used in Mexico.
43.067 059 200 0 The spanish foot in Pujals (1844)
43.067 094 945 1 The Spanish vara (36 in) is 0.835 905 m [ICT]
43.072 505 384 1 Pie of 27.86 cm in Spain, Guatemala and El Salvador [DC]
43.114 288 793 9 Pie = 27.833 in Honduras
43.216 508 706 4 The Bavarian ell (36 in), rated as 2 ft 10 in 3 ln, Bavarian measure.
The imperial yard, for which the standard is wrought, is shrinking...
Metres to Inch
The Metre
in inches
39.370 112 840 1895 = 25.399978
39.370 146 940 1922 = 25.399956
39.370 156 240 1320 = 25.399950
39.370 185 691 1947 = 25.399931

The Kilogram in Ounces

Tables: Home - m2in - kg2oz - gm2gr - Water - Gallon - Gal2in - Inches - Technic - Pi

The Kilogram in Ounces
The kilogram
in ounces
26.455 471 462 185 [1750/3 gt] Chinese Tael; 12 = UI pound
26.666 666 666 666 tael, rated at 37.5 grams = 1.5 oz metric
28.570 408 199 707 Austrian Ounce
31.117 435 130 922 oz of NNR system
31.250 000 000 000 oz = 32 grams (eg long geodecimal)
31.622 776 601 684 sqrt(1000)
32.000 000 000 000 metric 'troy' oz
32.150 746 568 627 [480 gt] English troy and apothecaries, by UI
32.400 000 000 000 kg = 2.7 lb troy \ 12 oz (eg short geodecimal)
32.509 250 000 000 Dutch troy system
32.581 371 241 714 Geographic pound; 60 = 12.16 in cube UI water
32.661 075 879 241 Jersey pound = 7560 gt = 16 oz
32.661 885 302 312 Geographic pound; 60 = 12.15 in cube UI water: [Berriman]
32.679 738 562 091 Geographic pound; 60 = 2000 sws ledds
32.673 595 926 1 Geographic pound, SWS scale
32.686 024 305 555 French avoirdepoise
33.333 333 333 333 metric apothacerise oz
33.489 304 315 476 russian apothecaries oz
33.951 190 681 837 oz of the twelfty-system: 15.4 = UL pound; 15.4/0.4535923392
34.000 000 000 000 oz of the ILF scale = 2 ledd
34.020 000 000 000 oz of the TFPS scale = 15 drachm
34.041 394 335 511 oz of the TILF scale = 2 ledd
34.282 457 452 256 Prussian lb, 16 oz = 0.466711 kg
34.284 489 839 648 [Austrian hansiatic oz: 1 cwt = 1920 oz = 100 lb Austrian]
34.285 714 285 714 [metric hansiatic oz: 1 cwt = 1920 oz = 56 kg]
34.294 129 673 203 [450 gt] Tower ounce [= english hansiatic]
34.994 009 870 615 [oz = 441 gt] Making this 35 would make the kg = 15435 gt
35.200 000 000 000 [ 1 tonne = 2200 lb]
35.250 250 668 449 ISWS/TILF imperial oz: 11/32 * 4/3**6
35.266 747 028 241 Geographic ell (20.266666in) cube = 300 lb UI water
35.273 961 949 580 English Avoirdepoise oz. by UI conversion
35.280 000 000 000 U7[ 1 tonne = 2205 lb]
35.353 897 105 083 Geographic ell (20.25 in) cube = 300 lb UI water
35.714 285 714 285 [oz = 28 grams]
35.840 000 000 000 [ 2240 lb = 1 ton = 1000 kg]
35.868 803 400 000 Etu livre = 12 oz: value = 0.3048*9.80665*12
36.000 000 000 000 [metric 'roman oz']; also 15*2400 = tonne
36.310 820 624 511 oz = 1.875 ledd = 30/16 ledd of 14.688 grams ea
36.571 428 571 428 [256 oz = 7 kg]
36.580 404 984 750 [16 oz = 6750 gt]
36.743 710 364 146 [420 gt] Roman oz, by Berriman
36.744 620 965 101 Roman oz, as 1080 to 12.15-inch cube: UI water
36.764 705 882 352 Roman oz, at 20/0.544 [ICT]
36.771 777 343 749 Roman oz, as 1/18 french pound
36.809 815 950 922 Roman oz, at 12/0.326 [ICT]
37.161 216 000 000 Etu hile as 25 lb of 16 oz. = (20/0.3048)²
37.037 037 037 037 [oz = 27 grams]
37.399 044 493 33 11/12 prussian pound -> 120 lb = prussian cwt
37.793 530 660 264 [112 lb UI = 1920 oz] 12 oz = 4900 gt (Berriman)
38.400 000 000 000 oz of the TMKS = 3 cg; also 16*2400 = tonne
38.580 895 882 353 [400 gt]
39.070 855 034 722 Russian Avoirdepoise Ounce
39.619 948 939 421 Nines oz = 1/16 lb
40.000 000 000 000 metric weight ounce kg \ 2 lb \ 20 oz \ 25 scr \ 20 gr \ 50 mite
40.009 817 952 070 [2700/7 gt]

The Gram in Grains

Tables: Home - m2in - kg2oz - gm2gr - Water - Gallon - Gal2in - Inches - Technic - Pi

The Gram in grains
The gram
in grains
13.824 000 000 0 the grain of the TMKS system = 125 kg / 120**3
14.400 000 000 0 1 kg = 14400 gt (Indian seer = 14400 gt, suggested = kg)
15.360 000 000 0 1 kg \ 32 oz \ 480 gr eg swiss
15.428 571 428 5 7 g = 108 gt; this approximation makes the English and metric hansiatic pounds equal.
15.432 348 74 UV: This is the value legalised by the act of 1864. This is Miller's 1844 figure. This is also the value in [MS]. Miller 1844
15.432 356 389 8   US: One pound = 0.453 592 427 7 kilograms, exactly.
15.432 356 39 UB: In 1883, Broch found that kg = 15 432.356 39 grains. This is the basis of the US pound, which rounds lb/kg to ten decimals. This appears to be the exact form. [K&L].
15.432 358 352 9 UI: One pound = 0.453 592 37 kilograms exactly
15.432 359 400 8 UL: One pound = 0.453 592 339 2 kilograms exactly
15.432 359 441 7 UK: Prototype measured measured in 1933 as 1 lb = 0.453 592 338 kg
15.432 098 765 4 lb = 0.4536 kg
15.435 000 000 0 U7 kg \ 35 oz \ 441 gt; 1 tonne = 2205 lb
15.686 274 509 8 geographic system: 230.4 grain = 14.688 gm = 1 SWS ledd
16.000 000 000 0 oz \ 30 gm \ 16 gr ; 450g = 7200 grain
16.339 869 281 0 normal system: 240 grain = 14.688 grams = 1 SWS ledd
16.384 000 000 0 kg \ 32 oz \ 512 gr.
16.457 142 857 1 metric hansiatic: 7 kg \ 15 lb \ 16 oz \ 480 gr
16.468 184 000 0 imperial hansiatic: ie D16 gr
16.931 501 735 8 The UI aviordepoise grain, 480 make an ounce
17.066 666 666 7 450g \ 16 oz \ 480 gr = avoirdepoise
18.827 149 869 6 The [ICT] rates 9216 French grains as 489.505 85 grams.
18.827 15 PR: The kilogram was constructed to be this, that 9216 make the French pound.
19.483 352 420 6 The UI diamond carat, 606 make the troy oz
19.512 195 122 0 The first international diamond grain, 4 make 205 mg
19.607 843 137 3 The SWS diamond grain, 288 make a ledd. 1 gr = 51 mg
19.678 185 944 8 The UI diamond carat, 600 make the troy oz [Len Boland].
20.000 000 000 0 The second international diamond grain, 4 make 200 mg
20.805 92 The Dutch troy corn, as in [MS], the pound being 10240 corns.
21.948 249 908 5 The tower grain: 640 tower grains = 450 troy grains.
22.504 812 50 Russian doli. = 44.434 940 3 milligrams [ICT]. 9216 make the pound

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