Glossary: Home Tables A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T Th U V W X Y Z
Tables: Home - m2in - kg2oz - gm2gr - Water - Gallon - Gal2in - Inches - Technic - Pi
m/s² | Description | |
32.087 664 041 995 | 9.780 320 000 000 | gravity at Equator. |
32.124 343 832 020 | 9.791 500 000 000 | gravity at Brisbane, |
32.142 857 142 857 | 9.797 142 857 142 | ISWS, g = 225/7 ft/s² |
32.157 987 147 574 | 9.801 751 739 381 | light in 354 days. |
32.165 097 009 932 | 9.803 921 568 627 | ILF, TILF = 1/0.102 m/s² |
32.175 000 000 000 | 9.806 940 000 000 | Etu = 1/31.080 031 |
32.174 045 556 430 | 9.806 650 000 000 | metric gravity = Paris |
32.194 028 871 391 | 9.812 740 000 000 | gravity at Potsdam |
32.257 217 847 769 | 9.832 000 000 000 | gravity at the poles |
Description | |
4 181.063 395 591 836 | ISWS = (99*15/7*0.3048)² |
4 183.333 333 333 333 | thermochemical |
4 186.046 511 627 906 | 3600/0.86; 1 iWatt-hour \ 860 g-calorie |
4 186.800 000 000 000 | SI = international steam table |
4 186.851 211 072 664 | ILF, TILF = 17424/2.04² |
Tables: Home - m2in - kg2oz - gm2gr - Water - Gallon - Gal2in - Inches - Technic - Pi
The following ratings are in terms of the English Inch. This is a fairly common method of quoting units, as in the case of Petrie and Berriman. Units marked § are from Berriman.
in BI inches | Description |
0.729 | Roman digit as 0.729 inches. § |
0.76 | The greek digit as 0.76 in. 16 of these make a foot of 12.16 in |
1 | The imperial inch. § |
7.07 | Chinese Ch'ih, as 5 sqrt(2) in, § |
9.0 | Chinese ch'ih, § |
10.8 | U, § At Babylon, Oppert found evidence of a linear standard that is interpreted by Berriman as 10.8 inches. |
10.806 | This is the same standard U, as found by Oppert. The equation here is a measure from a fairly large distance, whose value is known minutely in terms of the U. |
11.604 | The length of the Roman foot in Gwilt is 0.967 imperial feet. |
11.664 | This is the length of the Roman foot as measured by Greaves. This rates the foot as 1944 parts, that 2000 make the English foot.§ |
11.88 | 9 Indus inches.§ In the Gobi desert, Stien found a measure of nine indus inches, decimally divided. |
11.999 976 | The UI feet in US inches. This is commonly given as a conversion ratio between the two systems. |
12 | The imperial foot |
12.087 5 | The greek foot, as in Gwilt. |
12.15 | The greek foot, as 5/6 remens. § |
12.16 | The geographic foot, 6000 make the nautical mile of 6080 imperial feet. |
12.353 | This is the rating of the Rhenish foot in imperial feet. |
12.396 | The cape foot, defined as 1.033 imperial feet. § |
12.53 | A/2 = 1/pi metre. § |
12.6 | 1.08 Roman feet. § |
12.96 | Assyrian foot of 8/9 remens, or 10k inches. § |
13.2 | This foot is known to have proceded the 12 inch prototype. Of this foot, 15 make the rood, 600 the furlong, 4800 the mile, and 14400 the league. the Sumerian foot, = 20 × 0.66 in § |
13.22 | An alternate rating for the unit at 13.2. |
13.75 | Royal foot of 2/3 cubit § |
14.14 | The ch'ih of 10 sqrt(2) in. § |
14.58 | Remen = 20 digits. § |
17.496 | Roman cubit = 24 digits = 4/9 metre § |
17.68 | 6/7 royal cubit, =pi/7 metres § |
17.71 | A / sqrt(2) = cubit of the Nilometer. § |
17.84 | sqrt(3/2) metre. § |
18.0 | 20 × 0.9 in § |
18.225 | 25 digits = 5/4 remens § |
19.44 | Assyrian cubit, = 4/3 remens = 15k inches. |
19.8 | Sumerian cubit = 0.96 poles = 1/10 pole. |
20.412 | 28 digits, a version of the royal cubit § |
20.52 27 | fingers at 0.76 in § |
20.571 428 571 | 12/7 ft, a value used in Michel for the royal cubit. |
20.625 | Royal cubit as sqrt(2) remens = pi/6 metres § |
20.736 | 1.728 feet. |
21.6 | UU § |
21.87 | Talmudist cubit, = 3/2 remens § |
25.025 | The value adopted for the Pyramid Cubit in P Smyth. |
25.06 | Cubit A § |
25.2 | 2.16 Roman feet § |
25.25 | Palistinian cubit, = sqrt(3) remens. § |
32.64 | The Megalithic yard, as rated in Thom and North. This yard is divided into 40 inches, and a rod of 2.5 yards is also described. North adds also a HMY of 0.01 MY. |
32.727 272 727 3 | The Megalithic yard, as rated in Michel. The Megalithic Mile, rated as 5280 MY is by this approximation, 14400 feet. |
33.000 000 000 0 | This is the Spanish vara, as used in the USA, via Mexico. This yard turns up in India, as Akbar's yard, where it is divided into 25 lesser measures ('inches'). § |
36.000 000 000 0 | The imperial yard is 36 inches. |
39.370 000 000 0 | US This rates 1 metre as 39.37 inches. Legal definition in the US 1866 and 1959 |
39.370 078 740 2 | UI This rates the inch as 0.254 metres. The current international definition |
39.370 113 184 7 | UB Benoit found 1 yard to be 0.914 399 2 m |
39.370 147 198 7 | UK In 1922, Seers, Jolly and Johnson found the yard to be 0.914 398 41 metres. |
39.370 232 589 4 | UL That the light second = 299 792 458 metres, = 983 574 900 feet, UL measure. |
39.370 270 000 0 | In 1882, Rogers found the metre to be 39.370 27 inches. |
39.370 431 960 0 | UC In 1866, Clarke found the metre to be 1.093 623 11 yards. UK factor 1878 |
39.370 790 000 0 | UV In 1816, Kater found this ratio. The V stands for Victoria. Legal in 1864. |
The measures of Paris were held in great estime in the premetric Europe. A number of foreign feet appear to be defined in terms of it. The principle multiples occur at 12 (inch), 144 (foot), and 864 (toise).
in cu lines | Description |
1 | Line |
12 | Inch |
131 | The Roman foot, as 1/4 Aune. This was remeasured in 1746 as 131.208333. |
139.13 | The Rhennish foot appears to be defined in terms of the Paris line. This is confirmed in the way that MS uses it. |
144 | Foot. |
147.765 333 333 | The foot of the System Usuel, being 1/3 of the metre of 443.296 lines. |
439.15 | In 1734-5, La Condamine, Godin and Bouguer measured the seconds pendulum at the equator, in Peru. The toise used in this equation becomes known as the Toise de Perou. |
440.443 185 293 | The seconds pendulum, rated on Newton's value of Paris gravity (4347 lines / s / s). |
440.559 7 | The seconds pendulum, at Paris, as measured by Lacille and Cassini. (1739). |
443.283 788 845 | In 1897, Benoit found the toise of perou (72 in) to be 1.949 090 metres |
443.295 936 000 | In 1789, Mechain and Delambre found the metre to be 0.513 074 toise. |
443.295 956 746 | The [ICT] gives the toise as legally equal to 1.949 036 5 m |
443.295 979 490 | The value of the Paris foot in [MS] is 0.324 839 4 metres |
443.296 000 000 | PR This is the legal ratio of the metre: 1 metre = 443.296 lines Paris measure |
443.327 288 868 | Newton rated Paris's gravity (9.80665 m/s/s) as 30 ft 2 in 3 5/9 ln |
443.387 9 | The metre, based on the second's pendulum of Lacille and Cassini. |
443.440 000 000 | PA The survey of Lacille and Cassini served as an interim value. |
443.441 952 | Lacille and Cassini measured the meridian degree at 45° as 57027 toise. This is the proportional metre in lines. |
524.000 000 000 | Until 1746, the Aune was held to be 3ft 7 in 8 ln, Paris Measure. |
524.833 333 333 | In 1746, the Aune (reputedly 48 in, Roman), rated as 3 ft 7 in 8 ln 10 pt, PR. |
528 | A common rating is to set 6 Aune to 22 paris feet. This makes the Aune 3ft 8 in. |
864 | Toise |
Definition | Description | |
corn | 1/32 dwt | |
doli | 1/12 obol | |
grain | 1/20 drachm | |
obol | 1/2 scruple | |
scruple | 1/3 drachm | |
penyweight | 1/20 oz | |
drachm | 1/8 oz | |
sheckel | 1/60 mina | |
ledd | 1/2 oz | |
ounce | 1 oz | |
mark | 8 oz | |
libra | 12 oz | |
mina | 15 oz | |
pound | 16 oz | |
pund | 20 oz | |
seer | 40 oz | |
lclove | 112 lb | |
gclove | 120 oz | |
lstone | 14 lb | |
gstone | 15 lb | |
pack | 20 lb | |
talent | 60 mina | |
scwt | 100 lb | |
lcwt | 112 lb | |
gcwt | 120 lb | |
ston | 20 scwt | |
lton | 20 lcwt | |
gton | 20 gcwt | |
Tables: Home - m2in - kg2oz - gm2gr - Water - Gallon - Gal2in - Inches - Technic - Pi
normal geograph regular metric mite h2 1 1.041666 3.176417 0.980392 = mg grain h1 0.5 0.520833 0.52940285 carat h1 1.66666 1.677316 1.6339869 = 200mg scruple h1 10 10.416666 10.5880571 8.1699346 = g dwt h1 12 12.5 12.7056686 dram h1 30 31.25 31.764176 shilling h1 48 46.202431 ouncef h1 240 250 254.1133725 ---------------------------------------------- ounce 1.875 2.083333 1.9301145 1.7020697 25g pound 30 33.333333 30.881833 68.0278867 kg stone 450 500 432.345668 cwt 3600 4000 3458.76534 seam 9000 8510.34858 125 kg ton 72000 80000 69175.3069 68082.7886 t inch 1 1.05 1.03632 1.02 foot 12 12.6 12.43584 12.24 yard 36 37.8 37.30752 40.8 1 m pace 60 63 62.17920 61.20 fathom 72 75.6 74.61504 81.6 2 m perch 180 189 205.19136 204 5 m chain 720 756 820.76544 816 20 m furlong 7200 7560 8207.65440 8160 200 m mile 72000 75600 65661.23520 40800 1 km league 172800 113400 196883.7056 163200 4 km sq in 1 1.1025 sq ft 144 158.76 perch 32400 35721 42103.49421 rood 1728000 1428840 1684139.7685 1664640 1000 m2 acre 5184000 5715360 6736559.075 scruple 0. 0.0679173 mL CU INCH 1 1.157625 1.112965338 fl oz 1.875 2.08375 1.9297388 1.6979328 gill 9.375 10.418625 9.64869415 cup 15 15.4379106 16.917312 pint 37.5 41.675 38.594776 quart 75 83.349 77.1895532 67.917312 L gallon 300 333.396 308.7582129 CU FOOT 1728 2000.376 1923.2041048 bushel 2400 2666.666 2470.0657 bag 6000 8001.504 7410.197109 6791.7312 hL tun 72000 80015.04 64787.93828 67917.312 kL cauldron 86400 96018.048 88922.3653 ACREFT/h3 36 41.6745 48.4807701 39.304 ML ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ft lb/s 18 21 19.202 077 138.88888 kg m/s hp 10800 10500 10561.14234 10416.66666 75 kg,m/s poundal 0.9 1.05 0.96010384 6.944444 N pdl/ft2 1/ 160 1/ 151.2 1/161.07644 1/239.70816 pa psi 30 30.234315 28.7551288 408.994 0688 kg/cm2 ft pdl 10.8 12.6 11.9396978 283.333333 J ft pdl/s 0.54 0.63 0.59698489 14.166666 W ------------------------------------------------------------------------ degree 14400 14400 9680 17424 ice 138240 1393920 ptu/h2 30 33.333 20.7594547 82.380147 kcal
E0 | E1 | E2 | E3 | E4 | E5 | |
2.0736 | dfoot | drod | ||||
1.728 | dmill | dpoint | dline | dinch | foot | rod |
1.44 | amill | apoint | tline | inch | afoot | arod |
1.2 | tmill | tpoint | line | |||
1 | twip | point |