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A normal entry appears like this.
      Words in bold are meant to be seen without reading the entry.
      Words in italic provide emphisis, without being being seen from first glance.
A word appearing in this manner is to be there for comment only, and does not form part of the proposed polygloss entry.
Because the polygloss is a work in progress, one may find entries that have not been completed as yet. More often than not, these are targets for cross-references from other entries, or carried across from v0.07 of the polygloss.
Stems and Meanings
Where a word is read in terms of stems and meanings, it is shown as [stem] meaning, etc. So [horo-] zero-curvature + [-chorix] 3D-manifold.
The Polygloss is intended to be downloaded, and thus we distinguish between links to other polygloss pages, against external links. This is to help you determine if a link is safe to click if you have no internet connection.
      Internal links are like help-file links
      External links are internet unvisited and visited pages.


The following symbols are used in the polygloss.


* This is simply a way back to the top of the page. It is usually present if the page has a target-reference.
\ When applied to a series of units, it means, divides into. One might write 1 foot \ 12 inch \ 12 lines for 1 foot = 12 inches, 1 inch = 12 lines.
- In a table, means the cell is empty.


The notation used for polytopes in the gloss is the three styles of writing in-line Dynkin symbols. In each case, adding a new symbol modifies the existing form into a new figure.
      The old style is more suited for higher dimensions, and for when one wants to insert numerical values into the nodes. This is due to the more common branches (2,3,4,5,5/2 and 6) being given letter forms R, S, Q, F, V, H. So to provide weights of 1,2,0 to the three nodes of {3,5}, one might write 1S2F0.
      The new sytle provides a rich symbol of lower-case letters for the nodes, and allows numeric style for the branches. It most closely converts the ascii art @---5---@------o into x5x3o. The dual of this figure is m5m3o.
      The Schlafli symbol introduces dynkin-style node marks into the schlafli code: thus while {5,3} is an icosahedron, the use of a semicolon ';' allows for indicating marked nodes: the previous example might be written {;5;3}.
Old New Sch Meaning
. o , Unmarked node
/ x - Marked or vertex-node
\ m - Mirror-node. makes for dual of 'x'
- s - Snub or semiate node.
A A A first subject node ie S-1 to O
B B B second subject node ie S-2 to O
C C C third subject node ie S-3 to O
E E E first object node ie S to O+1
G G G second object node ie S to O+2
& & & creates a product: tegums with 'm' and prisms with 'x'.
- &#x - creates a lace-prism
- &#m - creates a lace-tegum
/q q - Edge of length r2 = 1.414 (twe: 1:4985).
/f f - Edge of length fi = 1.618 (twe: 1:7419).
/h h - Edge of length r3 = 1.732 (twe: 1:84V1).
/u u - Edge of length 2
/v v - Edge of length tau = 0.618 (twe: 0:7419)
Exotic tegums and prisms have several bases, so one might write xo5ox&#x for an antiprism, having as top x5o and as bottom o5x.
      One might write a golden rectangle as x&f or /&/f.

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© 2003-2009 Wendy Krieger