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Glossary: Home Tables A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T Th U V W X Y Z

hair breadth *
The natural hair lies between 30 and 100 um, nominally 75 um. Such is between 1 and 4 mils, nominally 3. Sometimes it is rated at 1/144 in (7 lines) or 21 lines. In burma, it is taken as 1/240 of a digit, also 3 mils. In twelfty, 3 mils = 0:01 96 line.
hansiatic *
Describes here a weight system, which generally fell out of common use before the system adopted a common value. Units of very similar weights can be derived from the English, Prussian, Norse, and Austrian units.
grams Description
466.552 152 7200 UK troy grains, in practice, 7680 grains
466.666 666 Metric: 15 lb = 7 kg (source of 56 kg cwt in Germany)
466.708 333 5/6 Austrian pound (Austrian units typically A5 regular)
466.711 The pound in Prussia (110 lb = cwt = 120 lb of 427.818 g)
height of *
These are informal height-units
      Man: 6 ft
      Nelson's Column: 56 m = 183.727 ft.
heavying *
The practice of increasing the denomination, by adding more whole elements to a multiple or superdivision. The name refers to the increases of ounces in a pound in historical times (from Roman 12 to modern 16 etc, or 20).
      The most common forms replace a factor of 3 with four (eg 12 -> 15), or 4 to 5 (eg 16 -> 20). One also finds a replacement of 15 -> 16 (eg German mantel = 15, long mantel = 16.
      See alos gross- and net- units
homer *
A hebru measure ymb 11 bushels, or 10 ephahs = heap, mound
      from khamar to swell up
Hoppus Measure *
Measure of cylinders, by the square of the quarter circumference and the length. Used in the timber industry to measure unworked logs.
      Pi Hoppus measure equals Four Cubic measure, or 16/pi² cylinder measure.
      The main unit is the hoppus [super] foot, corresponding to the board foot.
Horses *
For much of the history of commerse, horses provided animal power. We see units representing units of horsepower (qv), seams or horseloads.
      A horse load is typically 9600 ledds of the IOF, but can be smaller in rough lands.
      A horse power is typically 10800 dynes of the IOF (BI = 10560), but the unit is usually taken as overrated.
horsepower *
A unit invented by James Watt, to describe the power of engines.
Watts Country in Local measure; here, gravity = 9.810 000
732.141 692 1 Unrounded 32400 ft lb/min.
735.750 000 0 Metric 500 ft lb / s = 75 kg m / s
735.940 000 0 Saxony 530 ft lb/s
737.852 340 0 Wuttenberg 525 ft lb/s
738.936 586 1 Prussia 480 ft lb / s
739.038 950 Hanover 516 ft lb/s
745.948 English 550 ft lb / s
746.741 025 9 Austria 430 ft lb / s
762.352 941 2 SWS, tiof 600 ft lb/ s = 10800

      Boiler hp represents the energy of some engine to produce 1 hp of useful work. It corresponds to boiling 34.5 lbs of water from and at 212° (560 gorems). in one hour Thus us rated at 33485 Btu/h,(970.6°) revised to 33469 (970.16) and finally 33475 (970.28). This makes steam equal to 808.65(18) gorems.
Note that this figure is very close to a tonne-metre/sec (33461.67 Btu/s)
      A US hydrolic horse power is [US gals/min * psi * 7/12000], ie 12000/7 gal.psi/min this is exactly 550 ft lb/s
      Drawbar horsepower = 375 lb . mph. A vehicle drawing 2025 lb at 5 mph gives 27 hp.
hour *
An egyptian attempt at decimalising the day.
      The daylight hours are divided into 10 hours. One adds an extra hour for each twilight, and 12 extra hours for the rising of the 12 decans at night.
      The greeks took this, and evened the hours in measure, and added sexigesimal divisions to the system.
      The average horse can do 3/5 hp, ie 6480.
Hundred *
A number and weight of 100 in number.
      The Indoeuropean number system had words for hundred, but not thousand. Those IE culture that had reached western Europe did not follow the people, and some previous customs, such as reckonings by scores or larger have largely displaced the five-score hundred.
      The hundred in the Germanic culture is six score, OE and ON even having words for teenty (v score), and elefty (v score x), along with long and short counts. The arrival of Christianity started the long conversion of hundreds from the six score to five score. In the interim, various medial hundreds appeared.
      The hundred of v score xii comes most likely from rounding vi score to the previous multiple of xvi, as such might come from rounding the clove to contained pounds.
      The thousand is ten hundreds, whatever makes the hundred.

© 2003-2004 Wendy Krieger