The Metegloss is the random thoughts of a late-night metrologist (me).
The glossary is not intended to be a dictionary of units, but rather
one of metrological concepts, systems, and so forth.
Glossary: Home Tables A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T Th U V W X Y Z
Tables: Home - m2in - kg2oz - gm2gr - Water - Gallon - Gal2in - Inches - Technic - Pi
Guide: Home Books
The backslash (\) is used to separate units in the style of the look-up fractions. The symbol might be read as 'each divided to', eg
ton = 20 cwt ton \ 20 cwt \ 8 stone \ 14 lb -> cwt = 8 stone stone = 14 pound
Wendy's: Home Nines Magnet UES
In the course of investigating and experimenting with bases and systems,
i have invented many different systems to test ideas.
These systems have essentially different philosophies of construction.
It does not well to try and impose the ideals of one system onto another.
Most of these systems are foreign, that is, not intended for local
use, but worth the study. But because they are themselves separate, we
can allow one system to influence another: such as the Etu(d), a derive
from the Etu and fpsc.