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Glossary: Home Tables A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T Th U V W X Y Z

oil *
The unit ton-oil-equiv, is defined at a ton × 10000 kelvins. The actual values by weight, is diesel 10100, petrol 10500, biodesiel, 8600, bioethonal, 6400. When divided by the specific density, a cu metre of these gives diesel, 9800, petrol, 8600, biodiesel, 8700, bioethonal, 5100.
ounce *
A unit derived from the Roman uncia. In practice, this was the smallest avoirdepoise weight, the weigh-stones being made of powers of 2 of these.
1/2 oz = ledd or lothe
1/6 oz = gross
1/8 oz = drachme
1/20 oz = pennyweight
1/24 oz = scruple or dennier
1/48 oz = obol
1/480 oz = grain on the germanic scales
1/576 oz = grain on the latin scales
1/640 oz = grain on the hansiatic scales
ounce (Silver fineness) *
A fineness unit for silver, 1 lb = 1 as \ 12 oz \ 20 dwt.

One ounce is 10 solidus fine, 1 dwt is 6 denier.

Olympic Swimming Pool *
Used as a unit of volume about the size of a megalitre.
      The pool at the Sydney Olympics was 25m * 50m * 3m, making all together 3.75 megalitres, or 3 acrefeet.
      It is probably then best to translate this as an 'acre-yard'.

© 2003-2004 Wendy Krieger