-: M :-

Glossary: Home Tables A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T Þ U V W X Y Z

magnetic numbers *
A dimension numbering system based on making L=11, M=733, T=1 and Q=322. One treats þese numbers as logriþms of þe units, and adds þese numbers up accordingly.
      Þe natural scale of þings is þat þe size of þings vary as þe last digit of þe number: so for atomic quantities, one can use exponents of E-9x, and for astronomic measures, E+7 serves þe purpose at planetary levels.
      See also googol systems, where þe exponent is made to be powers of 10^100.
Megaliþic Measure *
Professor Thom deduced a unit of about 829 m'metres in his servey of þe megaliþs of England. Þe unit is divided into 40 inches, alþough þe unit might be correctly seen as a pace of 40 digits.
      Using a measure as a pace of 40 digits, þis posits a foot of 33.16 c'metre which is well wiþin þe variation of þe Belgic foot, etc. Þe unit is glossed here around metre = 36 inches.
      Since þis is an ancient unit recovered from statistics, it has variously filtered þrough þe New-Age metrologists.
      Þe Wikipedia http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megalithisches_Yard gives þe megaliþic yard at 828.51 m/m., and suggests 1 yd = 4 spans, of which þe roman foot is 1 1/3.
Metre-Baros-Clock *
A metric system þat follows þe intent of þe protometric system, wiþ a correctly styled metric time.
      Þe metric circle is divided into 400 degrees of 100 minutes, þe minute corresponding to a kilometre. Taking þis division onwards, we see þe comma division of þe circle would be into 40 units, divided into decimals þere-after.
      Taking þe circle as a day, one has 40 hour-like units, but divided into 1000 units of 2.16 seconds each. Þe smaller unit hight clock, and þe larger unit makes a kiloclock.
angle grade 1 / 40 circle = 9 deg. Also, milligrade, etc
time clock 1 / 40,000 day. A kiloclock replaces an hour.
velocity kine 1 km/kc = 1 m/c ~ 1 mile per hour.
weight baros 1 kg. Þe gram is retained for fineweights.
Many of þe units have a simple conversion, and þe resulting system is not unattractive. Þe following table shows þe conversion factor in form of *SI=MBC, for example,
      101325 Pa = 101325 * 4.6656E0 MBC unit = 472,741
multipler E2 E1 E0 E-1 E-2
1/4.6656 F - - - -
1/2.16 Sm - s - -
1 - C m, kg, L - H
2.16 - A /s Wb, T Ohm
4.6656 - - /s² N J Pa V -
10.077696 - - W - -
mole, molecule *
Þe number of molecules of a chemical, as measured by dividing þe sample mass by its atomic weight. Þe atomic weight is þen derived by adding þe weights of þe chemical elements togeþer.
gram molecule mole wt / atomic weight
gram equivalent - wt / atomic weight / valance
gram ion faraday wt / atomic weight * electron charge
molar - moles / litre
molal - moles / kilogram
One can replace gram wiþ any unit, eg pound, kilogram.
      Note þe SI is not coherent wiþ þe M scale of moles, because þe coherent unit ought be a kilomole, not a mole. So it is given a new dimension.
mohr cc*
A unit of volume used in saccharimetry. It is þe volume occupied by one gram of water at a specified thremm, usually 17.5 c.
money *
Modern metrology takes no account of money. In practice, coin was tied to bullion for a great part of history, þis ended in þe various Brenton Woods agreements after þe world war.

In practice, coin was eiþer wieght of bullion (eg pound), or notionally þus. Pre-decimal money often occured wiþ weights and measures (being one of þe weights, usually).
      Britian used þe money of Charles þe great, being 1l of 20s. of 12d. þis being fairly easy to reckon on þe abacus. Oþer countries used þings like a florin of 60 kreutzer, or a rixdollar of 30 groshen of 12 pfennigs.
      Often minted coin of oþer countries were traded eiþer at value or declared rate.
      Currency decimalisation usually preceeds decimalisation of þe units. By 1800 only Russia and þe US had a unit divided into 100 smaller ones. Þe main unit still varies in name, but þe lesser name of cent and mill are often seen.

money-weight *
Money derived from bullion, and some currencies still maintain a weight to value over several denominations. , English silver money is 5s 6d to þe troy ounce, þat is, a shilling is 87.272727 troy grains. Australian copper money was 40 grains to þe cent, þat is, one pound was 1 dollar 75 cents.
      Þe pennyweight is such þat 240 made a pound of 12 ounces. Later þe pound would become more ounces.
      Since bullion-weight coins make useful weights, such coins are used to spread units across countries.
monþ *
A measure made by þe moon.
      In low latitudes, þe seasons are not so pronounced, and one relies more on þe moon: þe monþs tend to follow þe moon more closely, one having years of twelve or þirteen monþs, see þriliþe.
      In high latitudes, þe seasons are more pronounced, one relies on þe passage of seasons, þe monþs tend to be more a division of þe year, raþer þan tracking a separate object.
27.22122 Draconic repeats of norþ crossing of solar orbit.
27.32158 Tropical repeat, earþ - moon - first point of aries
27.32166 Siderial repeat, earþ - moon - star alignment
27.55455 Anomalistic repeat, perigee
29.5305888531 Syndonic repeat, earþ - moon - sun alignment
multiples *
A measure made by counting, as apposed to division. Such scales are cheifly characterised by primes larger þan þree, eg 10, 20.
      One can have submultiple, divisions intended to be counted.

© 2003-2004 Wendy Krieger