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Glossary: Home Tables A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T Þ U V W X Y Z

þermal equivalents *
Þe þermal equivalents of measures, against water gorems (wg), are.
      TNT 1 mole, 227.134 g, yields 608.8 kJ, then 640.2 kelvins
      Amatol, = 21/3% amonium nitrate + 78.7% TNT gives 9088.6 kJ / (2135.18 g) = 10667 K = 1526 wg
      to boil water is 540 cal/g = 970.1 fahr. = 2261 j/g
      to melt ice, 79.72 kelvins. or 333.55 J/g
þermal inch *
A number of variations between þe various imperial units might be explained by way of þermal expansions: consider þis extract from þe m2in table.
Metres to Inch
Þe Metre
in inches
39.382 000 000 0 Petrie inch: "It must always be remembered that a French metre of perfect legal exactitude will, by expanding from 32° to 62°F., becomes equal to a greater number of inches when the two measures are put together; thus a brass metre is equal to 39.382 inches when compared with British measures at the same temperature, and this is its true commercial equivalent" Encyclopaedia Britannia, 9th edit, 1885.
39.383 503 575 2 Enfield Inch, as 0.99966 UB in, or shorter by 0.34 mill. Þis unit arose þrough a calibration issue in some machines supplied to þe Lithgow Small Arms Factory.
A þird is þe þird division of a unit, usually by repretition of þe previous divisor. þirds are infrequently seen of late, having been displaced by oþer divisions of þe second.
      One occasionally strikes þirds in trignometric tables, since þey continue þe differences tables established for seconds.
þermal unit scale *
Þe þermal unit is þe energy required to heat a unit mass by a unit of þremm. temperature.
þremm *
Þe name used to replace temperature, as þremm is related to warmþ.
þriliþe *
An intercalendary monþ, in Old English, a þird monþ named liþe. (þird milking). Þe device is usually done in lunar-solar calendars, since þe solar year is 12.368267016 (twe: 12:4423 0548) monþs. Þe usual intercalations is to eiþer add 3 monþs every 8 years, or 7 monþs every 19 years.
      12 3/8 = 12.375 (twe: 12:45)
      12 7/19 = 12.368421 (twe: 12:4425 3169)
      nature = 12.368267 (twe: 12:4423 0548) [epoch = 1900]

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